the widest possible set of the competence of the crown, and when will the decision of disputes would be entrusted to the department of the state council contentieux would otherwise need to be considered, for when it is advisable for those cases in which the courts despite the broadest view of its competence in the past insufficient to meet the questions where it actually went to the crown, and the questions in the design b.a.b. is bound to know, in particular, the question of detournement powers and the battle with general principles of good governance. in principle, for which all seem to be broader competence; the question which the restriction "in principle" to keep open or the handling of public bestuursbevoegdheden indeed was, so to d.d.p. and general principles of good governance would be appropriate. however, prior to implementation of the mind, some well-known case from the case law reviewed by the ordinary courts no satisfactory treatment, i'm not saying: solution, can handle.first, follow two cases which in the ordinary courts, respectively, the civil and criminal object was gemaarkt against an administrative decision, so, according to the regeringsontwerp with restriction to the decisions of the central government, within the range of law appeal administrative decisions. the judgment of 24 june 1949 a, j, 559 on the application of the groningen kweldergronden of oevereigenaren, whose ownership was disputed by the state for a long time, not a final decision, the supreme court referred the case to the court in amsterdam after considering that took to the court the leeuwarden proceedings may also the importance of the food can be had. with all reserve in the judgments on this statement, we can still explain that the caution that the high council in relation to the hard evidence of d.d.p. in eight took an action to be taken in the event of a law b.a.b. for what the land could be maintained, but with as more satisfaction of justice review the application to other principles of good governance had to follow. if such a principle could be a world where heavier road open for settlement of a dispute, the government should avoid even the appearance of a gemarkkelijker all-weather road to the end of the battle to walk away, unless expressly lighter is opened in a case when the item is heavy in the normal way go to the government to save.
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